Blur Rain
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09:00 PM



11:00 PM



01:00 AM


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Dallas, 12/28/2024

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😊 Enjoy
😊 Enjoy
😊 Enjoy
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😐 Don't Mind
😐 Don't Mind
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😐 Don't Mind
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😐 Don't Mind
😐 Don't Mind
😐 Don't Mind
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😐 Don't Mind
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😡 Hate
How do you feel about today's weather?
x24 Hate
x42 Don’t Like
x69 Don’t Mind
x102 Enjoy
x42 Love

Weather conditions

Wind Icon


5 mph

Rain Icon


5 mm

Temperature Icon



Feels Like Icon

Feels Like


Humidity Icon


93 %

Pressure Icon


1009 hPa

Cloudiness Icon


75 %

UV Index Icon

UV Index


Sunrise Icon


7:28 AM

Sunset Icon


5:29 PM

Moonrise Icon


5:35 AM

Moonset Icon


3:23 PM

Precipitation Probability Icon

Precipitation Probability

100 %

Dew Point Icon

Dew Point


AQI: 2
  • CO Carbon Monoxide
    433.92 ppm
  • NO Nitric Oxide
    0.03 ppm
  • NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
    35.99 ppm
  • O3 Ozone
    74.39 ppm
  • SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
    3.34 ppm
  • PM2.5 Fine Particulate Matter
    18.67 µg/m³
  • PM10 Coarse Particulate Matter
    23.53 µg/m³
  • NH3 Ammonia
    1.77 ppm

Hourly Forecast

Air Quality Forecast

Dallas Weather for today

The seasonal changes do affect your daily routine in Dallas? In this case you can always check the most recent weather forecast to find out whether you’ll need an umbrella, or a full-blown parka to survive today’s weather. Should you expect an April shower? Or maybe a scorching sun?

Our website can help you predict what you’ve got to prepare yourself to in terms of weather to have another perfect day in the D-Town. Temperature, pressure, precipitation, sunrises and sunsets – you can predict any of those using different features of our website!

What weather is expected today in Dallas?

The answer to the question might surprise you! Dallas is one of the cities which does experience drastic seasonal changes in the weather. Whether you expect a sudden drop of temperature to freezing levels during winter nights, of anticipate a hot and humid atmosphere on summer nights, it might be a good idea to check your weather forecast for today to make sure you are aware of what exactly you should prepare yourself for in terms of weather for the day, whether it’s a regular work Wednesday, or a weekend you’ve anticipated.