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09:00 PM



11:00 PM



01:00 AM


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Phoenix, 12/28/2024

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How do you feel about today's weather?
x28 Hate
x56 Don’t Like
x51 Don’t Mind
x117 Enjoy
x51 Love

Weather conditions

Wind Icon


0 mph

Rain Icon



Temperature Icon



Feels Like Icon

Feels Like


Humidity Icon


32 %

Pressure Icon


1017 hPa

Cloudiness Icon


100 %

UV Index Icon

UV Index


Sunrise Icon


7:31 AM

Sunset Icon


5:28 PM

Moonrise Icon


5:41 AM

Moonset Icon


3:24 PM

Precipitation Probability Icon

Precipitation Probability

0 %

Dew Point Icon

Dew Point


Wind Gust Icon

Wind Gust

1 mph

AQI: 4
  • CO Carbon Monoxide
    727.65 ppm
  • NO Nitric Oxide
    0.03 ppm
  • NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
    81.57 ppm
  • O3 Ozone
    76.53 ppm
  • SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
    12.99 ppm
  • PM2.5 Fine Particulate Matter
    63.54 µg/m³
  • PM10 Coarse Particulate Matter
    95.8 µg/m³
  • NH3 Ammonia
    3.45 ppm

Hourly Forecast

Air Quality Forecast

Today’s Weather in Phoenix

Phoenix doesn’t do seasons the traditional way; instead, it has “hot,” “hotter,” and “can-you-even-believe-this-heat?”. Summers here are like a rite of passage, with the sun blazing so intensely that you can see cookies baking on the dashboards.

For months, life revolves around moving as little as possible between air-conditioned oases, and everyone knows the essential survival kit: plenty of water, a strong SPF, and a strategic plan for finding shade.

Living in Phoenix means embracing the heat and developing an addiction for checking your weather forecast several times a day to know exactly how hot it’s going to get in the next couple of hours.

Weather for today in Phoenix

Winters in Phoenix, on the other hand, are pure magic. When the rest of the country bundles up, Phoenicians are outside in T-shirts, soaking up the “chilly” 60-degree mornings. Winter is prime time for hiking, patio brunching, and smugly sending sunshine selfies to friends in colder climates.

Rain in Phoenix is a rare visitor, but when it shows up, it likes to make an entrance. Thunderstorms roll in like a desert spectacle, complete with lightning shows and dramatic downpours.

So if you need to plan a perfect outing with friends, or a family barbeque, you should check your forecast for the day to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible without being ruined by sudden rain, wind, or thunder.